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[arfnet-announce] Re: New mailing list software


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El lunes, 15 de abril de 2024 a las 11:51 PM, arf20 <arf20@xxxxxxxxx> escribió:

> Hello ARFNET users,
> If you see this messsage, you are subscribed to the new ARFNET
> announcements mailing list, for:
> - being subscribed to the old one
> - registered in ARFNET CSTIMS
> It is my pleasure to inform you of the production status of the ARFNET
> mailing lists, thanks to the mlmmj mailing list manager, which happens
> to be what kernel.org uses.
> arfnet2-mlm has been deprecated.
> If you do not wish to continue receiving emails from the ARFNET announce
> mailing list, you can unsubscribe with two methods:
> - https://lists.arf20.com/subscribe.php?list=announce
> - send a mail to announce+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxx
> Thank you for your continued support.
> If you have any questions, contact me at <arf20 AT arf20 DOT com>
> arf20
> --
> Angel R. Fernandez <arf20>
> Systems Administrator
> arf20@xxxxxxxxx
> https://arf20.com
To unsubscribe send a mail to announce+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxx

[arfnet-announce] New mailing list softwarearf20 <arf20@xxxxxxxxx>